The Vice President of ASEIC visited the CTCN at UN City in Copenhagen 31 Jan 2017
The Vice President of ASEIC, Mr. Joonho Won, visited the Climate Technology Center-Network (CTCN) at UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss on cooperation supporting SMEs in developing countries in terms of climate technology.
The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. The CTCN provides services such as supporting developing countries in preparing their technology projects and strategies; assisting with the identification of technology needs and options that are likely to have a high impact on climate change adaptation and mitigation, given national circumstances; provide advice on policies and measures for the uptake of climate technologies; and provide tailored training and capacity building programmers. |